The Alberto
Research Group


"From Waste to Products"

image From Waste to Products

 Industrial activity produces large quantities of waste, many of which are toxic to the environment and people. At the GCOLab we are always looking for innovative solutions to solve this important issue. The goal of the research topic “From Waste to Products” is to convert, through organic reactions, part of this unwanted material into products of interest to the society.

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“Organocatalysis in Action”

Organocatalysis in Action

 Chemical transformations must be continually improved to meet society's needs. In this context, we developed the “Organocatalysis in Action” project where we study the preparation and application of organocatalysts to make it possible to convert materials with low commercial value (preferably from renewable sources) into products with high added value. Sustainability is a central concept in our research.


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Our research would not be possible without the financial support of the funding agencies.

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